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电话: 0579-87261030
传真: 0579-87261030
姓名: Susan Yao
Yongkang Liuan Industry & Trade Co.,Ltd.

  Liuan is based in Yongkang city, Zhejiang province. The business has been operating since March, 2014. Liuan commitment to supply customers unique home products, fox example car purifiers, humidifiers, nightlights, hand Po mobile power supply and so on. More and more new products will continue to market. Although Liuan is a new company, however, Liuan staff works very carefully, every product is 100% inspection before delivery, to ensure that customers receive the perfect product. Li

主要产品/业务: Liuan commitment to supply customers unique home products, fox example car purifiers, humidifiers, nightlights, hand Po mobile power supply and so on. More and more new products will continue to market.

Yongkang Liuan Industry & Trade Co.,Ltd. / 浙江 / Fanzhai Industrial Zone, Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province, China () / 电话:0579-87261030

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